
Customer Challenges. Solutions. Results.

Private and public cases providing insight into the solutions and results we have created with our clients.

Frederikssund Kommune
Strategisk udviklingsforløb for 200 ledere på alle niveauer

Frederikssund Kommune har styrket den strategiske ledelseskraft på tværs af organisationen med afsæt i "Sammen om Frederikssund" som fælles udgangspunkt for samarbejdet med borgere, virksomheder og internt i kommunen.

Orkla Denmark
Strategic Leadership Development at Orkla Denmark

"Unity, leadership strength, and the ability to take action have been strengthened at Orkla Denmark as a result of the leadership development program across all locations and management levels."

Center for Diabetes og Hjertesygdomme i Københavns Kommune
Center for Diabetes og Hjertesygdomme, Københavns Kommune

Styrket tværgående samarbejde i rehabiliteringen skaber værdi for borgerne gennem større fleksibilitet og differentierede tilbud.

Association of Municipalities (KL)
Improving youth engagement in municipal youth initiatives through better data sharing with young people

Municipal youth initiatives (KUI) face the challenge of understanding the digital needs and desires of young people while working to assist them in finding jobs or education.

Wonderful Copenhagen
Wonderful Copenhagen: What should tourism evolve towards by 2030?

After the recovery of the tourism industry post-corona, Wonderful Copenhagen is working on developing a new vision and strategy for tourism in 2030, with a focus on creating broader value for both citizens and society

Greve Gymnasium
A formation strategy implemented at Greve Gymnasium

The task of high schools is evolving. Sustainability in a broad sense has become a focal point for the educational mission concerning both mental health and climate. At Greve Gymnasium, there was a recognized need to increase the focus on the green transition.

Novo Nordisk
Lead time was reduced from 10 to 3 weeks at Novo Nordisk

In Novo Nordisk Diabetes Finished Products, Manufacturing Development (ManDev), the task was to support the global factories in streamlining operations and creating new product solutions.

Partnership project with VIA University College, Renosyd waste company, Skanderborg Municipality and Smukfest
More sustainable Smukfest through partnerships

Smukfest focuses on sustainability and aims to integrate sustainability into its DNA going forward. Many good initiatives are already underway, but there is a need for increased efforts in waste and recycling.

Haldor Topsoe
Strategic communication and organization - wide mobilization clear the way for strong visions & purposes

For several years, Topsoe's top management had received indications from employees and managers via measurements, which wanted, among other things, a clearer vision and a clearer direction for the company.

Frederiksberg Municipality
Co-creation pilots & new communities

Frederiksberg Municipality, in their strategy, the Frederiksberg Strategy, put the complex welfare challenges of the municipality at the centre.

Nordfyns Municipality
Communities and more sports hours in Nordfyn Municipality

Nordfyn Municipality wanted to mobilize the entire organization in the work on vision and strategies. They were focused on dialogue across organizational silos and on strengthening collaboration for the realization of the strategy

Dansk Sygeplejeråd (DSR)
Political leadership in the Danish Nurses' Organization

By engaging the entire organization in the strategy and defining focus areas for individual offices, new collaborative processes were established, both internally within the organization and with the users.

Esbjerg Municipality
Realization of Vision 2025 in Esbjerg Municipality

In close cooperation between young people, city council politicians, managers, employees, family and association representatives, the municipality has developed ideas and test actions to create life, energy and sustainability.

Holbæk Municipality
Knabstrup sets course!

Through new roles, co-creation and action learning, the power of action and local development were stimulated in the village of Knabstrup.

Nordsjællands Hospital
Clear vision for Nordsjællands Hospital

Resonans has been working closely with the Executive Board for a long time and a clear vision and strategy for the hospital has now been established.

National Development Fund
Unambiguous Leadership in Housing Social Comprehensive Plans

Governance, strategic management, collaboration and innovation. Together with Roskilde University and for Landsbyggefonden, we have developed tools to support unambiguous management in housing social initiatives.


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