About Us
We are Resonans
We empower you to realize your vision and strategy by mobilizing and activating the many important stakeholders within and around you, so that together you create swift and enduring results that surpass what you thought possible.
We aim to create more courageous and decisive organizations that take collective responsibility for the world they are part of.
Politikerforum har til formål at samle politikere på tværs af kommuner, regioner, Christiansborg og Europa-Parlamentet.
Forummet er etableret via et samarbejde mellem KL, Danske Regioner, Djøf, Resonans og forskere fra Aarhus Universitet, RUC, SDU og KU.
Der er afholdt fem samlinger i regi af Politikerforum i perioden 2021-2023.
Læs Kronik i Altinget: Politikerforum: Christiansborg burde have tillidsrepræsentanter til at sikre ordentlige arbejdsvilkår for politikerne
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We challenge what organizations and those around them are capable of
Resonans is the Danish version of the English word resonance and is derived from the Latin word resonantia, which means echo or reverberation. The word is made up of ‘re’, meaning back or new, and ‘sonare’, which means to sound. Resonance has always been a central part of our DNA, and thus it was only natural for us to adopt the name Resonans when we established our company 20 years ago. Back then, we took our inspiration from the book Into the music in which the physicist and musician Peter Bastian explains the concept of resonance.
As a physical phenomenon, resonance arises when a system is affected by a frequency corresponding to its natural frequency. When this happens, the system starts oscillating, and as it takes a long time for it to stop a great amount of energy can be stored in the system, which might lead to wide fluctuations.
Strategy realization requires that you resonate with your strategy: that you follow the beat and that you are able to vibrate in unison with other people – and to act.
We attach importance to...
Strategic focus
Focus on working in a structured way with business development up against the organization's strategy.
We discover and amplify the positive experiences organizations have and meet them at their developmental needs, showing them that they are capable of much more than they believe.
We emphasize that participants test concrete development initiatives in practice during the process, and that meetings and dialogues are connected to the organization's everyday practices along the way.
Innovation in practice
We invite organizations to be inspired and explore new ways of implementing projects - and how they can empower leaders and employees to experiment across functions and professionalism.
Challenges. Solutions. Results.

Strategisk udviklingsforløb for 200 ledere på alle niveauer

Strategic Leadership Development at Orkla Denmark

Center for Diabetes og Hjertesygdomme, Københavns Kommune
That's what our customers say
Meet the partners
We are a strong and dedicated team of senior consultants at partner level

"If there's one thing I can see that challenges organizations, it's bringing, those it's all about into the engine room. This includes both internal customers and stakeholders, but especially external citizens, users, customers, patients, etc. – essentially, those it truly revolves around."

“It provides tremendous power of action and new solutions when organizations succeed in changing conversations about the challenges and potentials that characterize everyday task solving, and when new forms of collaboration across disciplines, functions and sectors gain space. It's so meaningful to bring diversity together and use diversity actively.”

“Strategy should not only be measurable, but also tangible. Strategy realization is hard work, so if the path to the goal does not energize people and teams, the results will reflect that. The strategy should also be noticeable to customers or citizens, and they must never be lost sight of.”

“Strategy is not something that should reside in a 27 page pdf file. Strategy is something we do — all of us. That is why, my main task is to help people succeed in the task they share”.

“I enjoy working with the entire system surrounding a core task, ranging from healthcare assistants to regional councilors. At the same time, actively incorporating citizens' perspectives as a driving force for change and co-creating future solutions is crucial for successfully achieving significant societal changes.
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