Interviews with leading executives
Find inspiration in what others do when they create strategic results...
Top leaders and organizations have a lot to learn from each other. At Resonans, we focus on sharing experiences across boundaries. Gain insights into strategic experiences from a variety of top leaders.

Strategy work involves making tough decisions—making choices and trade-offs regarding what to prioritize. Next, you must ensure that the necessary resources and support are put behind what you choose to focus on.

The hard thing in strategy work is to keep the focus on it being easily accessible, easily understandable, and not too much.

Vi arbejder som organisation hele tiden med det stærke borgerblik, et udefra og ind-blik, hvor alle medarbejdere og ledere hver dag skaber løsninger, der giver værdi for borgerne, for virksomhederne og det samfund, vi er en del af.

The strategy should help us to stay within the uncertainty instead of rushing to quick fixes that might not work adequately.

Strategy work calls for cross-cutting missions, courageous choices, and a deep involvement of the outside world.

The strategy at the Danish Cancer Society focuses on staying one jump ahead of cancer, less inequality in cancer, and nobody should be alone with cancer.

In their strategy, Komponent focuses on creating services that will help develop local-based democracy and make municipalities capable of renewing their welfare services.

This requires a completely new and agile way of organizing in which employees are divided into small teams led by experts and local managers.

Taking their Vision 2021 as their starting point, the municipality focuses on the following future challenges: welfare, growth, and the green transition.

In the realization of the strategy, the organization, citizens, and players surrounding the municipality are included in initiatives focusing on concrete action and an experimental approach.

In 2024, the new and state-of-the-art Nordsjællands Hospital will be finished. Before the approximately 4,000 employees move in, they have to be trained in order to work and cooperate in new ways and within a new framework.

The vision of Haldor Topsoe is titled “To be recognized as the global leader in carbon emission reduction technologies”.

The lead time of the production and deviations must be reduced significantly, and the processes must be automatized and digitalized.
We produce knowledge and inspiration that helps top managers, boards, politicians, employees and citizens to succeed better.