Politician Forum

Politicians forum

Politician forum brings together elected representatives from across municipalities, regions, the Danish Parliament and the European Parliament to discuss key cross-cutting themes.

It's about room for political leadership

Politikerforum har til formål at samle politikere på tværs af kommuner, regioner, Christiansborg og Europa-Parlamentet.

Forummet er etableret via et samarbejde mellem KL, Danske Regioner, Djøf, Resonans og forskere fra Aarhus Universitet, RUC, SDU og KU.

Der er afholdt fem samlinger i regi af Politikerforum i perioden 2021-2023.

Læs Kronik i Altinget: Politikerforum: Christiansborg burde have tillidsrepræsentanter til at sikre ordentlige arbejdsvilkår for politikerne


Organisations behind Politicians' Forum


See our two other leading networks that inspire

We produce knowledge and inspiration that helps top managers, boards, politicians, employees and citizens to succeed better.

Future workforce network
Network for Public Organizations. Resonans and Rambøll Management Consulting have initiated a cross-sector network on workforce challenges, as part of the consultanting firms' strategic focus on complex societal challenges.
Track & Fan
Read positive stories about the public sector. We are a number of actors who have initiated this endeavor to counterbalance the disproportionate focus on flaws and shortcomings in the public sector.