
Reach your results even faster

Our universe of inspiration focuses on new trends, recommendations for translating strategies into results and experiences from both private and public top managers.

Articles & Books

Track & Fan: New and Promising Actions Using Spur Evaluation

It is a good idea to track and fan what works in the public sector. Then others can learn from it and get inspiration for new thinking. But we need to be as confident as possible that what we have found is having a positive effect.

Politikerforum: Christiansborg should have trust representatives to ensure proper working conditions for politicians

There are plenty of wild problems that call for political leadership, where politicians set a clear direction and point out good and creative solutions. But how do we ensure our elected politicians burn through without burning out

Dear employee: Get involved in the strategy work

Employees play a crucial and central role in strategy work at work. Their active participation and commitment is essential to ensure that the strategy not only remains on the management board, but becomes a common concern.

Top Management Interviews

Komponent, Jonatan Schloss

In their strategy, Komponent focuses on creating services that will help develop local-based democracy and make municipalities capable of renewing their welfare services.

Esbjerg Municipality, Rikke Vestergaard

In the realization of the strategy, the organization, citizens, and players surrounding the municipality are included in initiatives focusing on concrete action and an experimental approach.

Fadata, Liselotte Munk

This requires a completely new and agile way of organizing in which employees are divided into small teams led by experts and local managers.

Strategic Recommendations

Recommendation 1 | Focus on the core task

Strategies are realized much more effectively if they are created against the core business and the core task, and therefore the most important task of the organization should be...

Recommendation 2 | Bring forth the potential of your organization

Most Top managers know the strengths and weaknesses of the organization well, and know that it is important to support a culture in which positive results receive attention...

Recommendation 3 | Mobilize your organization

It is crucial that top management does not become a bottleneck for activities, but instead is able to empower managers and employees so their expertise , their ideas and...


Improving youth engagement in municipal youth initiatives through better data sharing with young people.

Municipal youth initiatives (KUI) face the challenge of understanding the digital needs and desires of young people while working to assist them in finding jobs or education.

What should tourism evolve towards by 2030?

After the recovery of the tourism industry post-corona, Wonderful Copenhagen is working on developing a new vision and strategy for tourism in 2030, with a focus on creating broader value for both citizens and society

A formation strategy translated into reality

The task of high schools is evolving. Sustainability in a broad sense has become a focal point for the educational mission concerning both mental health and climate. At Greve Gymnasium, there was a recognized need to increase the focus on the green transition.