Association of Municipalities (KL)
Improving youth engagement in municipal youth initiatives through better data sharing with young people.
Municipal youth initiatives (KUI) face the challenge of understanding the digital needs and desires of young people while working to assist them in finding jobs or education.

Around 43,000 young people between the ages of 15 and 25 are neither employed nor in education, leading to poor wellbeing and a limited integration into society. It is the municipal youth interventions (KUI), spanning across education, employment and social sectors, that are responsible for helping young people to find jobs or education, with many stakeholders involved — including psychiatry, educational institutions, internships, etc. KL aims to create a knowledge base for the digitalization potential in youth initiatives. There is limited insight into young people's desires and needs for digital support and sharing of data with them.
Resonans has conducted interviews with 39 young people and IT providers in the youth sector across the country. In addition to exploratory interviews, workshops have been held where 26 employees from various fields have engaged in direct dialogue with young people and discussed ideas for better data sharing and digital utilization.
The project has resulted in an analysis with recommendations on how youth initiatives can be better supported digitally. This includes focusing on flexible consent, ensuring that young people have only one plan, involving them in their own process, and sending reminders when they have appointments.
The analysis provides inspiration to municipalities on how data sharing with young people can ensure involvement and engagement in their own process based on their needs, hopefully leading to sustainable employment or education. Four youth personas have been developed to better support young people in their needs.
Read KL's own review and download the analysis
Selected quotes from the young
“I did not know that there was an educational counselor assigned to me who can help me get started with an education”
“I will not be notified if my caseworker goes on maternity leave or stops”
“My contact person knocked on the door while I was in the shower — I had forgotten about the appointment.”
“It could be made smarter through an app with an overview”
“It wasn't until my contact person explained the invitation in two lines in a text message that I understood what it was about”
“There is no plan laid out, such as five steps. I don't know when or how.”
“Wish that it was easy to find an overview where you can see your appointments and have the opportunity to delve into it if needed”
“I have a job consultant who listens to me, even though I have unreasonable demands.”
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