National Development Fund

Process toolkit for unambiguous management in housing social comprehensive plans

Governance, strategic management, collaboration and innovation. Together with Roskilde University and for Landsbyggefonden, we have developed tools to support unambiguous management in housing social initiatives.

National Development Fund
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National Development Fund
Welfare development


Lack of unambiguous leadership in housing social comprehensive plans has created the need for the development of tools that can support boards to become strategically working and realize their goals and visions.

Unique Leadership is an initiative undertaken by the National Construction Fund. With Unique Leadership, it is Landsbyggefonden's intention that the new boards focus on a more unique organisation and management structure, a clear distribution of roles, tasks and competences throughout the management chain, as well as common objectives across organisations and up and down the management chain. In particular, unambiguous leadership must be ensured through the establishment of strong and strategically thinking housing social boards. The Boards of Directors consist of quorum representatives from the municipality and housing associations, which have two main tasks:


1. Strengthening managerial attention to housing social initiatives, including the promotion and management of housing social initiatives

2. Ensuring strategic management and development of the residential area


In collaboration with Roskilde University and, Resonans has developed a process toolkit to support Unique Leadership in housing social initiatives. Through three case studies, the project has examined the needs of process support the new boards have in their work to become strategically working boards, where the realization of strategic objectives and visions for the area and its connection to the city go hand in hand.


Part of the result of the development work is a book with a process toolbox that focuses on five key dimensions of what Unique Managementimplies of management disciplines: cooperation, strategic management, governance, continuous improvement and innovation. These process tools target housing social boards and are intended to help them strengthen their managerial attention to housing social interventions, the propulsion, management and strategic development of the housing estate.

The aim is to create stronger and more strategic boards that can work effectively towards common goals and visions for the area and its coherence to the city.

4 films about unambiguous leadership

In preparation for the work with the measuring instrument or process tools, we have made four films that provide insight into the background, intentions and experiences of unique management in housing social comprehensive plans.

Unique Leadership in Housing Social Efforts
Leif Tøiberg, Head of the Landsbyggefonden

Governance and Management
Jacob Torfing, Researcher in Public Administration

Common direction in local action- the work of the board in practice
Lisbet Lenz, Director of Welfare and Education in Ishøj Municipality and Andreas Damm, Chairman of the housing company AAB

Kick-Off — to establish the board and make it live
Lisbet Lenz, Director of Welfare and Education in Ishøj Municipality and Andreas Damm, Chairman of the housing company AAB

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