Articles & Books

Inspiration for strategy and leadership that works...

Insights and current perspectives on strategy and leadership from our 20 years of experience challenging the capabilities of organizations and those around them.


Delve into our universe of articles

Strategy Realization: The Agile Path to Change

The idea of implementing strategies is outdated. The classical model is too linear and too old-fashioned and does not match the complexity that characterizes the reality in and around companies today.

Unleash leadership — and create extraordinary results

Agile organizations of the future: Read the story of how two brave companies challenged the way to lead and organize — and produced remarkable results.

Co-creation leadership: from vision to impact

What is the biggest challenge facing your organization right now? Is this a challenge that you can solve on your own, or does it require you to bring different actors together?

The important role of HR in strategy realization

When HR works best with a challenging and insistent focus on strategy realization, you are worth gold to your management and the rest of the organization, and not least in relation to your customers and users.

Find and magnify what works — when the strategy needs to be realized!

Your strategy is the dream of how your mission and vision will be realized. The good news is that you are actually already living the dream in glimpses in everyday life. The bad news is that almost no one notices or talks about it.

Think Big and Start Small

Realizing a strategy requires prioritization, focus, insistence and persistence, and constantly challenging oneself and one's organization to do, rather than talk.

New solutions require new questions

Traditional ways of solving problems have it hard in our exponential world. The more intensely we study the holes in the cheese, the more we distance ourselves from constructive solutions and cling to yesterday's failure.

Strength-based leadership empowers people companies and communities

Strength-based leadership is about bringing together the individual strengths of an organization into a common whole that pulls in a unified direction.

Make millions from your mistakes

After all, who does not know the many examples from the management literature of how a constructive culture of failure leads to innovation and the development of breakthrough business successes?

Commune 3.0 - Strengthening the Collective Genius

Danish municipalities are at the forefront of creating the collective genius through innovative initiatives and organizational changes towards Municipality 3.0.

Adapt or die

In 1996, the inventor of the digital camera stood in front of Kodak's top management. He told them that his invention would revolutionize the way pictures are taken.


We produce knowledge and inspiration that helps top managers, boards, politicians, employees and citizens to succeed better.

Private and public cases with insight into the solutions and results we have created with our customers.
If the strategy is to be realized, top management has a crucial role — but which one? In our recommendations for strategy implementation, you will get a number of concrete advice on how to do it in practice.
Get an insight into how top managers in some of Denmark's leading organisations operate on a day-to-day basis with their strategy.