Commune 3.0 - Strengthening the Collective Genius
Danish municipalities are at the forefront of creating the collective genius through innovative initiatives and organizational changes towards Municipality 3.0. Municipalities such as Skanderborg and Horsens see facilitating the innovation power of the community as a completely natural municipal task now and in the welfare society of the future. Collective Genius, according to the Harvard Business Review article “Collective Genius”, June 2014, is about creating a “Community that is willing and able to innovate over time”, among other things, through a strong collective identity. In Horsens Municipality, for example, its collective identity has been created through the mantra “We lift in droves”.
Municipality 3.0 is, in short, less a classic relationship of authority and more of a shared responsibility for the development of the local community. Instead of 'ending' cooperation and citizen contact through closed formal responses, the municipality of the future is co-creative, open and curious about the common solution. In Kommune 3.0, the organizational community has expanded to include citizens, organizations, voluntary actors, companies and the research world, among others, a community with a collaborative open and welcoming culture. The Harvard Business Review article highlights 3 elements that underpin the collective genius.
Here you will get a small checklist of examples for reflection in relation to the creation of the collective genius in your organization — private or public:
- WHAT PURPOSE in terms of the organization's purpose, collective identity and raison d'être. We might ask, why does the organization exist? What is the organization's purpose? In a municipal context, a debate in the local community about the role of the municipality and the mutual relations with citizens, companies and organisations can kick-start the innovation process. For example, we are currently engaged in an innovative vision process in a municipality where, in collaboration with over 200 different citizens' perspectives, we have identified the DNA of the municipality. Based on the DNA of the municipality and the hidden treasures, over 200 people (citizens, city council politicians and municipal employees) have formulated over 400 ideas for the future vision of the municipality.
- SHARED VALUES in terms of the common values shared by the community that influence behaviour, priorities and choices both individually and collectively. Innovative organizations are characterized by values such as Ambitious, Collaborative, Learning-Focused and Responsible. In Kerteminde Municipality, we are just in the process of examining the existing values of internal and external cooperation and collective learning and accountability. The purpose of the survey is to create a picture of the existing strengths and future potentials for the development of a co-creating organization in Kerteminde Municipality.
- RULES OF ENGAGEMENT in terms of the way we interact with each other and our approach to understanding and solving problems. The way we meet each other relates both to how we interact -- and how we think. The identified values of innovative organizations are: Mutual trust, Mutual respect and Mutual influence.
An example from one of our clients who works to promote the same type of values is the Zoo in Copenhagen. In recent years, Copenhagen Zoo has held regular meetings where employees and managers have discussed new ideas and initiatives for innovation in the Garden. The idea-makers are shown high confidence and great responsibility, among other things, in the form of financial means and ample opportunity to implement the initiatives in the garden's everyday life. Therefore, if you are ready to feel the power of innovation in and around your organization, focus on these simple and impactful approaches. Are you ready to discover the genius of community?
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