The article was originally published in Børsen Ledelse
Mikkel Ejsing
Partner, Resonans A/S
Anne-Mette Scheibel
Partner, Resonans A/S

It takes courageous, clear and involved management to open up the company to the outside world

SDCC: Health is too important to leave only to health professionals

In this article, we focus on how companies, through strategic partnerships and interdisciplinary cooperation, can contribute to solving major societal problems. Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen (SDCC) states: It takes courageous, clear and involved leadership to realize the ambitions.

At Folkemødet 2018, 10 organisations across the public-private-voluntary sector have gathered to rethink new ways to health. A subject that goes far beyond the physical and mental well-being of the individual citizen. And a topic that goes far beyond what a single sector, organization or company can solve on its own. If you are a leader in a company that is a potential co-creation player either locally, nationally or internationally, you can find inspiration in this article, where we tell you how SDCC has approached the challenge — and what levers the organization's leadership has used.

In particular, 6 grips have been used to create significant results on one of the SDCC's strategic objectives. As a leader, you can draw inspiration from and take part in your leadership on the way to mature your organization to enter into new partnerships and co-create solutions with the many internal and external stakeholders in and around your organization. The 6 grips are:

  1. Clear purpose and an ambitious and outward-looking strategy
  2. Clear and Involving Leadership
  3. Meet the citizen as an expert in his own life
  4. Listen to other professions
  5. Focus on the world around you
  6. Take the medicine yourself

No one can solve the big problems alone

The product or service that your company struggles with every day to bring to market or deliver to citizens is a pawn in a bigger game. You are likely to deliver high quality in your field, but there may be other players who stand with other crucial pieces. It's like building a house. It requires a wide range of skills and competencies. And so it requires that the different actors, each with their own focus on their own professionalism, can cooperate and contribute to the big picture, which is the finished house. That is why we are only just beginning to see the huge potential that exists in methods such as co-creation when tackling the very big societal challenges.


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