Articles & Books

Inspiration for strategy and leadership that works...

Insights and current perspectives on strategy and leadership from our 20 years of experience challenging the capabilities of organizations and those around them.


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Leave the desk and strengthen well-being

Our welfare society is under pressure and we urgently need to rethink together the way we have set up the welfare system. There has never been a greater need than now to rethink and create new pathways to welfare.

New paths to communities for more

Most companies, public organizations, volunteers, etc., are realizing that they have to work with others to find the solutions. There is almost a disruption in the way we work together across the board. The way we've done it so far is not enough.

Communal Experiences from the First Time of the Coronavirus Crisis

The corona crisis has transformed everyday life for all Danes. At Resonans, we have conducted interviews and received input from 10 municipal crisis managers.

Corona crisis paves the way for new forms of cooperation and renewed leadership

The learning curve is steep for everyone these weeks. Both employees and managers make an incredible effort and take huge responsibility. In the public sector, there is a struggle to save lives and keep the vital functions of the welfare society going.

Let customers into the engine room

Our welfare society is under pressure and we urgently need to rethink together the way we have set up the welfare system. There has never been a greater need than now to rethink and create new pathways to welfare if we are to ensure cohesion.

When citizens drive development in Corinth and Haastrup in Funen

How do the citizens of a village — and not just external experts — drive strategic long-term development? Several villages in Funen are in the process of creating changes and trial actions that feed into the future development plan.

Time for mid-term checks of political leadership?

Halfway into the municipal and regional term, politicians are in the process of finding solutions to complex societal challenges. This calls for political leadership that dares to carry out a mid-term review, just as they have done in Guldborgsund Municipality.

Succeeding in new communities

Most companies, public organizations, volunteers, etc., are realizing that they have to work with others to find the solutions. There is almost a disruption in the way we work together across the board. The way we've done it so far is not enough.

Young people are innovative frontrunners — both at Folkemødet and in your company

Young people are the future bearers of democracy and values in our society. The question is, does our current system actually provide room to put young people in the driving seat when it comes to ensuring the health and wellbeing of the future?

Use the SDGs to make a difference in society and strengthen your business

Partners in Resonans Anne-Mette Scheibel and Mikkel Ejsing have interviewed ISS Denmark CEO Flemming Bendt, who gives an inspiring talk about how ISS works with the UN's global goals.

Growth through partnerships and design methods in Blindes Work

In the social economic enterprise Blindes Arbeid, the focus is on developing the business and the brand through new partnerships with private companies and furniture manufacturers. Through a Flow project, they have created collaborations both externally and internally.

In meetings to the neck — stretch your legs for a better meeting culture

In this article you will get very concrete ideas on how you can create more meetings and strengthen the meeting culture in your company. The article was written in collaboration with HR partner and former head of department at Novo Nordisk, Jacob Ørting.


We produce knowledge and inspiration that helps top managers, boards, politicians, employees and citizens to succeed better.

Private and public cases with insight into the solutions and results we have created with our customers.
If the strategy is to be realized, top management has a crucial role — but which one? In our recommendations for strategy implementation, you will get a number of concrete advice on how to do it in practice.
Get an insight into how top managers in some of Denmark's leading organisations operate on a day-to-day basis with their strategy.