The article was originally published in Børsen Ledelse
Anne-Mette Scheibel
Partner, Resonans A/S
Mikkel Ejsing
Partner, Resonans A/S

Use the SDGs to make a difference in society and strengthen your business

Partners in Resonans Anne-Mette Scheibel and Mikkel Ejsing have interviewed ISS Denmark CEO Flemming Bendt, who gives an inspiring talk about how ISS works with the UN's global goals. Get inspired on how to integrate the SDGs into your company, gain insight into potential barriers and how they can be overcome — and last but not least, you can get Flemming Bendt's seven concrete tips on how other companies can strengthen their work with the SDGs.

“Find the global goals that match your company's core business and that you can see yourself in as a top manager. Make it your world goals. Better take a few goals and make a difference there. Find the right partnerships and focus your efforts.”

This is how CEO of ISS Denmark Flemming Bendt summarizes a few of his key messages to other leaders who will work focused on the UN's global goals. It is clear that he is passionate about the world goals and for a meaningful link to the ISS business. And precisely that coupling is one of the decisive factors when Flemming Bendt talks about how the ISS has produced such good results. His commitment and ISS's many good experiences have resonated in business and among Danish politicians. In 2017, Minister of Employment Troels Lund Poulsen asked Flemming Bendt to lead the Corporate Forum for Social Responsibility.

In this article, you can learn from ISS Danmark's experience in working with the SDGs, which has led to both a significant social profile and strong business results. We will revolve around 3 overarching questions: How has ISS come so far in their work on the SDGs? What value does working with the SDGs create for their business? What barriers has the ISS encountered and how have they dealt with them?

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Read the full article as a PDF or at Børsen Ledelse and get, among other things, the seven concrete tips on how other companies can improve their work with the SDGs.

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