The article was originally published in Børsen Ledelse
Nanna Hebsgaard
Partner, Resonans A/S
Anne-Mette Scheibel
Partner, Resonans A/S

Three public positions of strength -- and what private leaders can learn from them

Learn new leadership paths from public and political leaders

Many municipal politicians, as well as public and political leaders, work each day reflectively and experimentally to meet challenges. Fortunately, so do many private leaders and organizations, but in three areas, public and political leaders are particularly strong.

With potential shitstorms and crises, no company can feel confident going free. But the reality also holds great opportunities for those companies and managers who have the quickest courage to innovate, create and realise their strategic ambitions in entirely new ways. Those who break with the linear, rethink leadership and collaboration models and mobilize broadly, manage to future-proof their organization and stand strong in the face of challenges. In this field, public and political leaders have indeed taken up a number of significant positions of strength from which many leaders in the private professions can usefully learn from. In Børsen Ledelse, we elaborate on three positions we see as particularly important.

The strength positions are:

  1. Focus on Interdisciplinarity and Process Innovation
  2. Strategy realization as a common concern in the organization
  3. Mobilization of key external stakeholders

The challenges faced by private companies, the political and the public sector can rarely be solved within the four walls of the organisation. Agility and strong relationships across the organization are essential if your company is to be able to act flexibly in crisis situations and at the same time be the frontrunner in your field. Here, bridging between public and private organizations, managers and forms of management is a key future. It's simply about forging alliances across the board, learning from each other's management practices and experiences — and dealing with challenges and developing solutions together.

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