The articles were originally posted on the Danish Health Agency's website
Thomas Gedde Højland
CEO & Partner, Resonans A/S
David Jul
Partner, Resonans A/S

Strengthened care and presence in elderly care

Resonans has been working with the Danish Health Agency for over two years on the pool for 'strengthened care and presence in elderly care'. A number of articles have come out of this, for which the consultants from Resonance are authors. Each article covers experiences on a cross-cutting theme that has been worked on along the way. Below we have collected links to the 6 articles.

The 'Strengthened Care and Presence in Elderly Care' pool has given a number of municipalities the opportunity to develop and test new innovative methods for use in elderly care to create more care and presence. At the same time, the focus has also been on how unnecessary documentation requirements could be avoided. Resonans has continuously assisted the Danish Health Agency with facilitation.


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