The article is originally published in Børsen management
Mikkel Ejsing
Partner, Resonans A/S

Leadership is the art of opportunity:
3 points that will develop you as a leader

Do you have the company of your employees? Otherwise, there is a significant risk that you as a conductor will end up as silent as a conductor without an orchestra.

Join your leadership: Partner Mikkel Ejsing gives you three pieces of advice on how to ensure that your managerial endeavors turn into a grand symphony instead of groping gestures for a confused assembly of employees.

It is only a little over 30 years ago, when Benjamin Zander, with his canes in his hands, had a revelation that radically changed his vision of leadership in a single stroke — and which has since inspired thousands of conductors around the world:

The conductor in an orchestra does not make a single sound! He relies entirely on the skill and dedication of the musicians if he is to succeed in making his vision of a piece of classical music a reality.

Attendance is essential if you want to succeed as a leader. Good leadership is about leadership. About it, you doth as a leader, and not so much about it, you is by virtue of its position. In the article Leadership is the Art of Opportunity At Børsen Ledelse, partner in Resonans, Mikkel Ejsing, points to three key points about leadership and leadership inspired by Benjamin Zander. Points you as a leader can usefully reflect on and include in your portfolio of managerial positions if you want to challenge yourself, develop your personal leadership and ensure the company of your employees.

The headings are:

  • Search for shining eyes
  • The land of opportunity is always just one sentence away
  • Contribute with what you can at any moment

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