The article was originally published in Børsen Ledelse
Mikkel Ejsing
Partner, Resonans A/S

Is the strategy still on vacation?

Revive the strategy

In June we “wait until after the holidays”, in July there is more or less shut down, and in August “we are just going to land”. The summer holidays in Denmark gradually mean 2-3 months with reduced development activity in many companies. Get 5 ideas on how to breathe life into your strategy realization if it has lost its breath — so you can also afford a summer vacation in three years.

Welcome back! Did you enjoy your summer vacation? What about the strategy? Still on vacation? In Denmark, the summer holidays gradually mean several months with reduced development activity in many companies. In June, we “wait until after the holidays”, and in August “we just have to land”. Priorities are hard, the team is not assembled and the drive wins. That's understandable enough. But it is also a pity to lose momentum on the strategic initiatives and activities that are designed to secure the future of the company. In other words, it is now that you as a leader must breathe life into the strategy again and show that both the person, you and the organization are back at full strength. We have collected five concrete ideas on how to effectively and quickly breathe life into strategy realization if it has lost its breath:

  1. Gather and mobilize the troops
  2. Revisit vision and purpose
  3. Take stock and highlight progress
  4. Tell the good stories of concrete results
  5. Involve broadly in adjusting plan for remainder of year

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